oh, I had a busy weekend. I am tired and the week is just beginning. :)
I am so blessed! Today at church while I worshiped I felt the Spirit of Intercession come over me and I cried as I prayed for the soldiers that are serving our country and their families. There are so many sacrificing themselves for the greater good, for freedom, for the love of their country and what they believe it's right. I cried, prayed and thanked God for them. Prayed for their safety, for their comfort, that God would embrace them, protect and comfort their loved ones that are far away.
I am so blessed. I have my loved ones near. I got so many fishes in my bucket.
How many times have you complained and grumbled about your circumstances? I have done that a lot. Many times during the day. But I am so blessed.
I was reminded today by my husband about a verse in the Bible that says that if you see someone in need, you don't them tell goodbye and God bless them. You go and help supply their need. What kind of a brother am I if I see my neighbor in need and turn away and hope God would help them and don't do a thing?
So, anyway, I got so many fishes in my bucket and I decided to share them. I realized that I began card making for all the wrong reasons, but I am finally on track now. Thanks to this place I realized that a simple card can bring someone hope, can show them that God cares, that He is for them, that they are not forgotten. What better feeling is there to know that someone thought of you today?
Any way, I am rambling... but I just had to put in words the things that went on in my head this weekend. My daughter caught the fishes on Saturday, I found CardsforHeroes on Friday and today I prayed and thanked God for all of our fishes. :)
Before, I sign off, I wanted to thank everyone who have been visiting my blog. I have got a lot of new visitors and many of them have their birthday in August like me. So I decided to let the winner of my First Give Away pick his/ her prize.
Yes, that's right! the winner of my First Give Away gets to pick what they want. The winner can pick 3 items (among cards and tags) from my Etsy shop as their prize. So if you haven't checked out my Etsy shop, go browse it, for you might be the lucky winner. :) And if you haven't commented on my blog yet, do it for a chance to win my First Give Away. :)
Have a blessed week...I got to go make some Cards for Heroes! :)
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