Friday, April 5, 2013

Give Away Friday: Encouragement for a Christian Mom

Hey! It's Give Away Friday again! 

My plan when I began this was to do a give away every Friday. But if you are like me, full time SAHM with 4 kiddos that you homeschool and got lots of things going on, you know it can get crazy.

I will be the first to admit that I have a hard time finishing what I start. I get all excited in the beginning and then life gets busy and some things just fall by the wayside. But I will do my best to persevere and keep this Friday Give Aways going!

In the first one, I gave away Teach Them To Your Children - An Alphabet of Biblical Verses, Poems and Stories. It ran for more than  3 weeks... I don't know how long this give away will run.. it will probably end with another post on a Friday or the first day of the next month with my Learning Log... I really don't know.... so, if you want to win "Parenting is Your Highest Calling" and 8 Other Myths that Trap Us in Worry and Guilt by Leslie Leyland Fields; you need to comment quickly. Don't hesitate. Do it now... Tell me one thing that worries you about your parenting or children. (And go ahead and click on the link for the book and read what other moms are saying... this book is amazing!)

As for the first give away... the WINNER is Misty.

You should be receiving an email from me or you can contact me at mytreasuredcreations at gmail dot com
 if you are ....

Now about "Parenting is your Highest Calling"... I don't know about you but as a Homeschooling Christian mom I am always looking for encouragement or advice in what I can do better. Most of the time, the books on parenting or homeschooling leave me feeling LESS than. Do  you know what I mean?

There is always something I am lacking. I am never doing enough and if I don't do things
this way or that way, then my kids are going to turn out so wrong they will never get a job, go to college, make it to Heaven... you fill in the blanks.

Leslie wrote one of the few books that REALLY encouraged me. Basically she says it's in God's hands. Yes, you have responsibilities as a mom and a Christian, but do we really think we are IN CONTROL??? Please don't fool yourself. Relax and enjoy the ride. Stop stressing.

So if you are like me: you worry, you are constantly re-evaluating curriculum, attitudes, etc etc... you need this book.

This book will make you see things differently. It will make you appreciate your family and who God has put together.

So leave me a comment if you would like to win the book. oh, yeah, the book is Biblically sound. At least, I think so. Ha!!

 And what the heck is that picture? That is the cell cake my DD10 made yesterday for the Science Fair she participated in today. I will do my best to do a blog post exclusively about the Science Fair. It was so much fun and we discovered so many gifts and talents. 

Will you come back?? :)


Check out my List of homeschool resources for sale HERE.


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. The card was created for my friend Tereza! Ha! How ironic. :) So glad to be the winner, and thank you for another opportunity to win. My biggest parenting fear is that my daughter will grow up bitter about our relationship. We seem to but heads so much, especially when homeschooling. Sigh... but yes, our great God is in control :)

Tereza Crump said...

Hey Misty, I know what you mean about your daughter. I think when you have a child who is very similar to yourself is easy to clash. My DD10 is a photocopy of me, and although we love each other, we often clash. I am learning to deal with it differently. One of the first things, is to not react to MY fears. Check out beyondconsequences dot com and Heather T. Forbes... they were so helpful to me. I need your address to send you the book.

Debbie said...

That cell cake is awesome :).