Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Daughter's Newspaper

As I mentioned on my Learning Log of April 2012, my DD9 read THIS book and decided she wanted to write a newspaper too. So she came up with a list of stories she wanted to write. I was a good secretary and took her dictation. You can read HERE about how to encourage your children's desire to write.

DD9 also wanted to sell ad space on her newspaper. So she was able to talk to her karate instructor to put an ad on her newspaper in exchange for a discount when purchasing her new sparring gear. A homeschooling friend asked if he could put an ad on her newspaper for his handmade soap. DD9 accepted in exchange for a bar of some strawberry smoothie soap.

Of course, DS6.5 and DD4 also wanted to include their own stories, so they became Contributing Writers to the newspaper. We distributed about 40 issues and everyone enjoyed it very much.

I was thrilled that DD9 had the idea and was able to accomplish something she thought up and persevered to finish her project. Now, she is working on the next issue.
First Page

Second Page - a fun crossword puzzle included.

Last page - a soap ad and the contributing writers news!

Sometimes, as an Unschooling Mom, I worry they are not learning enough.
 Maybe, I shouldn't worry.

oh, yeah! She came up with the newspaper's name, the crossword puzzle,
the riddle and the stories. I was just the secretary.


1 comment:

patricia said...

What a fantastic project, Tereza! How fantastic that your daughter came up with the idea, wrote the articles and then also pursued ad space! And I love that she let her siblings be contributing writers.

When you worry that your kids aren't learning enough, you need to remember how rich a project like this is. Just consider all your daughter learned! That goes a long way--the learning is so much deeper than the kind of "learning" kids experience when forced to work through someone else's curriculum. Projects like this don't happen every day, and I don't think they need to. Still, it's exciting that she's working on the next edition!

Thanks for the link to my blog, too.